Grant Request Procedures
Please read the following before filling out a grant request form.
Persons and individuals desiring to receive grants must submit a completed grant request form. The grant request form will document the following details about the grant request:
- Information about the requestor
- The organization through which the trip, project, or activity will be conducted
- The reason for a grant being needed
- The methods and magnitude of the requestor’s fundraising activities
- How the trip aligns with the Foundation’s purpose
- Cost of the trip
Grant requests must be submitted at least two months prior to the trip and will be reviewed by the Foundation’s board on a monthly basis. The requester must provide the Foundation with a summary of their other fundraising activities, including the amount they will be paying related to the trip. No grant will be awarded without a complete grant request form.
Grant Review Procedures
Upon receipt of a completed grant request form, the board will review it to determine if the grant will be approved or denied. Factors that will be considered in this process are:
- The trip aligns with the purpose of the Foundation
- The trip is with an acceptable religious or mission organization
- The underlying need of the requester
- The requester meets the requirements of the grant request form
The board may contact the religious or mission organization to obtain additional facts they need to make a decision on the grant. The board will then decide to approve or deny the grant and contact the requester by mail or by email regarding their decision.
Grant Disbursement Procedures
Once a grant is approved, the Foundation Treasurer will prepare a check for the disbursement amount to the religious or mission organization. The requester will be required to report upon the trip in written format to the Foundation regarding the trip. This will allow the Foundation to monitor the effectiveness of the grant and to determine the grant aligned with the purpose of the Foundation. Grant disbursements will only be made if the Foundation’s assets exceed the endowment fund balance. Should the Foundation’s assets diminish below the endowment fund balance, the Foundation will suspend grant disbursements until such time as the assets meet or exceed the endowment fund balance. The Board of Directors may make temporary exceptions to this policy. The board retains all authority to approve or deny grant requests. Requesters of grants shall have no recourse or opportunity to appeal board decisions.